Stitches in Time

eBook - The Story of the Clothes We Wear

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781473505094
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 464 S., 12.67 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2015
Format: EPUB
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Nicht vorhanden


Riffling through the wardrobes of years gone by, costume historian Lucy Adlington reveals the rich stories underlying the clothes we wear in this stylish tour of the most important developments in the history of fashion, from ancient times to the present day.

Starting with underwear did you know Elizabeth I owned just one pair of drawers, worn only after her death? she moves garment by garment through Western attire, exploring both the items we still wear every day and those that have gone the way of the dodo (sugared petticoats, farthingales and spatterdashers to name but a few).

Beautifully illustrated throughout, and crammed with fascinating and eminently quotable facts,Stitches in Timeshows how the way we dress is inextricably bound up with considerations of aesthetics, sex, gender, class and lifestyle and offers us the chance to truly appreciate the extraordinary qualities of these, our most ordinary possessions.


Lucy Adlington took an English degree from the University of Cambridge and an MA in Medieval Studies from the University of York.

After many years running unique hands-on history workshops and presentations for museums, schools and heritage sites, Lucy now specialises in costume history, with a passion for the early twentieth century. She collects nineteenth- and twentieth-century costume. Her ambition is to own an eighteenth-century gown of Spitalfields silk. She runs the popular 'History Wardrobe' series of talks delightful costume-in-context presentations, all featuring original garments and accessories.

Lucy's costume history books,Great War FashionandFashion: Women in World War One,are rich with unique images and anecdotes. Lucy also writes history-inspired novels for young adults. Her first five novels, including the award-winningDiary of Pelly D, Carnegie-nominatedBurning Mountainand the exciting newNight Witches,are published by Hodder Children's Books.


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